Gary Larson Depicted IT So Well...

Gary Larson Depicted IT So Well...

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Tuesday, July 03, 2057

My Life and relationship with A...

My Life and relationship with my  'should-be'-life-wife*  was mentally unhealthy. Our emotional/ego vibrations were on the same wavelength so we attracted what became of us. We were addicted to power & anger - we fed off of them and like all addictions, they destroyed us.

It feels so good to be mentally healthy after too many decades of mental illness.

*It was my mistake to marry her (I was not true to myself).
What I LOVE about my 'should-be' wife:
  • She can be fun
  • She is smart (when not motivated by anger)
  • She has a good sense of humor
  • She cares for our girls
  • She is tenacious