Gary Larson Depicted IT So Well...

Gary Larson Depicted IT So Well...

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Saturday, June 30, 2057

We all seek validation every day. It is an essential psychological need of every person.

For example, when you are at work and make a comment during a meeting, you want to know that you were heard by those present. They don't have to agree with you (although agreement can be perceived as even more validating), just hear what you had to say. To take this example a step further, imagine speaking up at a meeting and in the middle of your comment, someone else starts talking. That would be experienced as invalidating, and you would probably attempt to make your comment again.

When you come home from work that night, you tell your partner about your day. If he ignores you, falls asleep while you're talking, or immediately starts talking about his day, you'll likely feel further dismissed and invalidated. What you want from your partner at that moment is recognition....

The only type of validation that really authentic validation. ... When we are validated for a pretense, the validation is hollow, baseless, it's not at all satisfying. ...when a gay man presents a false, inauthentic self to the world and is subsequently validated for the facade, he feels hollow....

My facade of accomplished success (with a cloak of happiness) was hollow. I knew it and spent all my energy trying to make sure that no one else did. 